I show ID when:
1. Pulled over by the police,
2. Making purchases with a department store card,
3. Showing up for a doctor's appointment,
4. Applying for a credit card or loan,
5. Applying for or renewing a driver's license or passport,
6. Applying for any kind of insurance,
7. Registering at a college or public school,
8. Donating blood,
9. Obtaining prescription drugs,
10. Voting,
11. Making some debit card purchases, especially if out of state,
12. Collecting a boarding pass to travel by plane or train,
13. Checking into a hotel,
14. Checking a book out of the library,
15. Going clubbing, buying any drink, cigarette, dry ice, lighters and more,
16. Attending most Phillips Academy and campus events.
All citizens are legally required to carry identification for the event of being stopped, and all visitors or residents are mandated by the feds to carry a passport with a visa or other documents if in the United States - this is just what Washington says [8 US Code Section 1304(e) and 1306(a)].
We who live in America are required to prove who we are nearly every day; why should certain people in this country not do so, and remain invisible to the law? Why do some legally privileged people expect America to exempt them from basic border security practiced by every other country?
You can rant about the details and nuances of legislation and policy, but at the end of the day, one reasonable goal needs to be achieved: equality under the law.
The politicians and activists that perpetuate a narrative of "victimization" and "injustice" stall legal equality for the rest of Americans - and always for political favors in elections and donations by powerful groups.
Do not defend the status-quo injustice against law abiding citizens - find a reasonable way to end it.